Saturday 23 February 2013

gonna switch

im gonna be switching to n.n


I will be talking about the big two movies of 2007, the big two rivals. No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood. Two westerns released in the same year, each by iconic directors.

Since I have stopped watching or reading any reviews, I didnt know which one to begin with. I had never watched a Paul Thomas Anderson movies before (ashamed) so I thought I would watch it first, since no country for old men was more highly praised than there will be blood. I am not a big coen brothers fan though. I always thought of them as being overrated.. anyway I watched there will be blood and then i watched no country for old men... and I have a lot to say..

No Country For Old Men

First of all, i'll talk about the negative first which was no country for old men for me. I just dont get the Coen brothers' style. I love the acting, Javiar is an amazing antagonist, and I am very picky when it comes to villians. nearly everything was done well by the actors. But the Coen brothers messed a lot of stuff up in my opinion. First of all the minor stuff, the camera angles and transitions are not what is expected from "famous" directors. Some are very awkward, when directors have to try and experiment with camera angles they have to have a reason. It can't just be done because "oh, i'm good and i do weird angles with my movie". A great example of this is ofcourse Stanley Kubrick.. Take The shining for example (slight spoiler), when Jack Nicholson is locked in the freezer, the angle is shot upwards towards his face as he punches the door.. that actually had a reason, it did feel like it had some use, rather than just making a weird camera angle.. anyway the second and biggest problem is the storyline structure.. (might have spoilers) the structure is very very odd. It is like they are trying to reach something but they never do. Its like they are giving you a lollipop but taking it away every time it you enjoy it. then give you another one and do the same thing. In the end they show you the tastiest of lollipop's and then smash it right infront of your eyes. the structure was like a very complicated set of ropes slowly tying around one another, dealing with different characters and storylines. And it ends without tying the ends of the ropes, which will basically untangle the entire structure they worked on in the beginning.. Its just disappointing and unsatisfying which is very sad. Anyway this is just my opinion. Everyone has one, and this is mine....

There Will Be Blood

Now this movie... This is the movie that was the masterpiece. After watching Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot (which i might talk about if anyone wants). This might have spoilers so i would rather you watch the movie now then continue reading this :) please........ watch now ok... dont continue.... stop.... ok your back it was amazing right?? anyway now i can talk about it all i like~ so This movie is just, i didnt have any expectation other than great acting. but it was a masterful story and one of the best movies ive ever seen in the 21st centuries. I've always said, that heath ledger did the best performance in the 21st century, boy was i wrong, Daniel Plainview was the epitome of modern film. The way the story pans out is perfect, it all connects. though the transition in the end i believe should have done a biiiit better, maybe a few extra 10 minutes. The other thing is the AMAZING character transition in the middle.. im saying this assuming you had watched the movie btw. anyway, the transformation is perfect, in minute 1:13 its just <3 also the mix of religion and god with Eli is beautiful. it just flows naturally and beautifully. Also something else i must commend, is the soundtrack. It was burned by so many people that it was just screeching violins. people have no taste. it is beautiful the soundtrack is on of the best i have ever heard. I cannot praise this movie enough it is just beautiful and everyone should watch it... well you probably should have watched it because i told you, if you havent im disappointed u.u you should go into the movie with a blank mind.

Anyway if someone is reading this and they liked it, if you could be a good person and give me your feedback you can email it to me at or on my tumblr xSlayer or anywhere else and if you want my opinion on anything just email me and i will write an article on it :D

Thank you, Slayer

Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Dark Knight Trilogy

 In this article, I will cover over all of my thoughts about the dark knight trilogy. I will try as much as possible to keep it spoiler free, if there might be a spoiler I will indicate it. Through this article I will cover many of my own thoughts and opinions of the trilogy. The article might not even be well connected, it will just be a serious of paragraphs discussing different aspects of the trilogy. Another point before I begin is that I will not be talking about Batman Begins that much since the last time I remember watching it is 4 years ago. The last thing I want to address is that this is totally my opinion and it does not mean that you should agree with it in any way possible.

The trilogy:
   Ill begin this article by talking about trilogies in general and their basic success in the movie industry. I believe in my honest opinion that trilogies mainly always work. Anything over three movies of the same title might get lost. Yet also many believe that three is also a big number for a series, and i am also one of those people. Take for example The Godfather one of the greatest movies of all time. The third installment was not even close to the bar set by the first two movies. Those trilogies that succeed on the other hand are very noticeable, Lord of the Rings is a huge example for a successful trilogy. The success in my opinion is to conclude with satisfaction and without any confusion. I am glad to say that The dark knight series has succeeded in ending it with satisfaction.

The Story: *no spoilers*

   Now what differs between me and for example my friends that I was with in the cinema is one factor. That factor was that I knew the plot of the movie because I used to read batman comics. Now that can really effect a movie positively or negatively depending on the person. Like for example, if anyone read a harry potter novel before the movie came out might not want to watch the movie. While others would want to watch it to see if it is up to par with the book. This is because reading from a book is always better than watching a movie because your imagination combined with the detail of the book makes it spectacular. Now as for me, I really enjoy batman comics for its story. Even though i knew the story, I entered the theater with a blank mind, I then compared it with the comics after it ended. I am happy that I saw that Nolan followed  the actual plot of the comics with his own unique twists.

    One important factor of the movie is of course the hero, Batman. Now many believe these super heroes are childish and are to be left to the youth. Yet what Nolan did is he showed us a true hero. In my honest opinion I believe batman is the best hero in the comic world. He is often mistaken as a super hero which he is not. Batman does not possess any "super" powers, he is just a person. This is what makes him great, he connects to people and acts as a symbol. When people see batman struggle they wish he would be able to succeed.

Minor Characters:

  These characters had to mentioned since they are overshadowed by batman's main conflict. The three most important characters other than the hero and the villain in this movie is Luscious Fox, Alfred, and Jim Gordon. The most important reason is that all three of those characters, are like the moral conscious of batman. They always try to remind him of the real world, or try to steer him back to the correct. I see these three as the lifeline to reality in the fantasy inside Bruce Wayne's mind.  


     What sets The Dark Knight trilogy from other hero movies is mostly the villains. Nolan was able to let people love these evil and powerful characters. The joker from the dark knight stole the show, and is a great example. Nolan's versions of batman's villains each have a certain essence. The Joker portrayed pure evil, his character was just oozing with evil. This is also where Nolan does a great job, where he picks the perfect actor for the role. No person in the world could have acted as the joker except Heath Ledger. He portrayed the essence of evilness perfectly. He has no serious incentive, nor can he be bribed or threatened. It is also seen in his dialogue, "You have nothing to threaten me with, nothing to do with all your strength" Whereas in the concluding movie Bane portrayed the essence of power. Not merely power as in strength, yet power as in a power of control. He had every under the grasp of his hand and made the audience feel the power that he has.


   Though my opinion might be biased due to being a "fanatic" of the batman series, I really do believe the story is what makes the movies special. It is a complex and constant battle of good and evil. This conflict creates many factors that help in the "epicness" of this trilogy. Everyone should try to see it but, I advise you to focus on the story. It is unfortunate that I saw many people leave the theater as soon as they were sure the action is done. If they wanted to see action they should have just gone to the expendables or another simple minded movie. All in all the trilogy was a masterpiece in my eyes and I am thrilled that it was concluded in such a perfect way.l

Thank you for reading if you read this far, Feedback is appreciated, you may present the feedback in any means of contact you have with me.


Friday 11 May 2012

Tae Guk Gi (The Brotherhood Of War)

I am in total shock. In my eyes Old Boy was the best Korean movie i had ever seen. After watching Tae Guk Gi, it had reached that level. Tae Guk Gi is basically a war movie of two brothers forced to fight in the Korean war.

 In this world there are two ways to depict war:
1) By making war glorious. The men will fight with great will to defend their country. War will be depicted as patriotic and amazing.
2) By showing the dark side of war. How war is filled with violence, displeasure, and inhumanity.

In my opinion i dont accept the first depiction as the true one. I do believe war is bloody and ruthless. In this movie it showed the ugly side of war. Deaths left and right, blood splattering, and cries of soldiers is what makes war.

This movie is one of the only movies that actually touched me according to plot. The movie is simply beautiful in every form. The plot is strong and pulls the audience in. The action is perfect and seems real enough for it to be an actual war. The characters are spot on, the loss of a side soldier actually means something in this movie.

Many believe since the movie is foreign, it is not up to standards of English movies. I believe these people are mistaken. The world of foreign film has surpassed English films a long time ago. Viewers across the globe are blinded by money making scam movies which we are presented with today, to actually look out to the rest of the world. Any person is able to make a movie with extreme effects that will gather a few dollars from simple minded viewers. A remarkable feat in my opinion is to actually do a good movie where the viewer actually gets into the movie.

In east asia, they go by one rule. I have seen many interviews of directors, producers, and actors on this certain issue. Over there they actually care about doing a good job and a good movie. When they sign up to become a director/actor they love what they do, they do not love the money associated with it. This is what differs them from the rest of the world.

I recommend this movie to every person reading this post. It is a masterpiece which shows the amazing skill of this race. To create a beautiful film which can touch the audience in a way never experienced.

It is...
Simply beautiful.... 

Monday 11 July 2011

Forrest Gump

 There are a lot of reasons why this movie is incredible. But in my point of view i believe it is spectacular for one reason, which is that it depicts the many forms and stages of life. You see, life has many ups and downs, can surprise many people. This movie showed us how someone can loose everything in one moment and get everything else in another. How a person who is so different can fit in with everyone else. How not to judge what is normal and what is not, everyone can do what they put their mind to. It is also touching by how it changes a persons perspective on some events. Like how a military survey around a war zone can be turned into a nice walk around the country side. This movie is very touching and shows how life can be shown in many ways. Recommend this movie to everyone because i guarantee that you wont be disappointed.

Thank You For Reading, Slayer 

Tuesday 5 July 2011

What I Love Seeing In Movies

One of my absolute favorite elements in a movie i truly enjoy is, characters with mental illnesses. But not any actor acting out on a crappy movie that will make one sensitive person shed a tear after much struggle. No, i am referring to the actors themselves, the way they make you believe they are crazy, that they arent those big shot actors with millions of dollars in their pockets. A good example is one of my favorite movies of all time, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, i loved this movie so much i bought the book and read it and still felt the satisfaction. Jack Nicholson blew me away with his role, Dani DeVito was incredible, all of them preformed the best in their careers. Another example is the movie that i just saw, Twelve Monkeys, which for my surprise had Brad Pitt with a mental illness!! i was so surprised, i lit up and saw how amazing he performed, it is a satisfation that can never be filled with anything else.

Thank You For Reading, Slayer.

Twelve Monkeys

  I just finished watching twelve monkeys and have alot to say about it. First of all i believe this is one of the most underrated movies i have ever seen. I never heard about this movie in my life, nor have i known that brad pitt and bruce willis star in it. I was confused, i usually hear about these kinds of movies but it seems to be neglected by everyone. Before i watched i had zero expectations for this movie, and i finished with a huge smile on my face and a satisfaction that not all movies can acquire. The main reason being that it included an intriguing story which keeps you captivated and thinking throughout the whole movie waiting to see what will happen next. Another reason is the addition of amazing actors acting out roles of characters with mental illness's. i absolutely love it when this addition is in the movie which i will explain in my next post. Twelve Monkeys is an amazing movie, very underrated and deserves way more attention because i really believe it is special.

Thank You For Reading, Slayer.