Friday 1 July 2011

Battle Royale

After watching this movie for the fifth time i can concur that this is my favorite Japanese movie. It has everything i want to see in a movie, Japanese, amazing acting, phenomenal soundtrack, blood and gore. This movie happens to be Quentin Tarantino's favorite movie of all time. After hearing him say that i downloaded it immediately but held it back for a while, since everywhere had negative comments about it and how it is unethical and doesn't appeal to anyone. After a few weeks of holding back i finally began, and the first 20 minutes of the movie blew me away. I couldn't believe what i was seeing. After i was done i thought maybe i had a sick mind and enjoyed these stuff, so i asked my friends to watch it as well. Surprisingly  they enjoyed it as well and didn't find it unethical. I think the problem with a lot of people these days is their snobbery, people want to go into a theater and either watch an extremely funny movie, or a touching one. There has to be room for something that goes beyond human nature, not to toy with you or to disgust you, to show you how humans will react in a certain situation. Even kids will do anything to survive even kill their best friend. I think that this is what we should be watching more of the dark and ugly side of humans, but in a sensible manner with a nice story not a blood fest.

Thank You For Reading, Slayer.

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