Saturday 25 June 2011

Full Metal Jacket Mini Review

Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket i believe is very misjudged. After people watch it they enjoy the first half and hate the second, this isn't the point which Kubrick wanted for the viewers to get. If he knew that the first part was this good he would've kept the entire movie based on it. He obviously split the movie for a reason. This reason even though oblivious must be figured out by each viewer and try to link it to the first part. Enough talking about the big movie split and on to my opinion. I've always been addicted to war movies, the feel of rushing towards a place not knowing who is waiting for you with a fully loaded gun. The movie defiantly has some weird mood swings and goes from completely hilarious to thrilling war action. I really enjoyed the movie and i hope to watch it again and find the missing gaps that i still did not figure out and recommend everyone to do so as well.

Thanks For Reading, Slayer.

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