Friday 24 June 2011

How To Enjoy A Movie More

i quickly wanted to share a method i use when watching movies, i hope it helps everyone who reads this.

Before watching the movie i put an idea in my mind, i keep on thinking that this movie wont be nice, or i will not enjoy it. By this i am not expecting a lot from the movie and i let it surprise me. If i expect a lot from the movie and get a little less from it i will still feel some disappointment. I started this before i watched Pans Labyrinth, i really thought that i would hate it, i didn't want to watch it, but since i had nothing else to watch i did. After i was done i was surprised that i really liked it. Now imagine if before the movie i thought that this was going to be the best fantasy i will ever see and it didn't reach to those expectations. I will like it more if i under appreciate it while i enjoy it, then highly expecting and being disappointed. I dont know if that made any sense, guess it does in my mind.

Anyway if anyone understood this weird post i hope you benefited from it, Thank you for reading, Slayer.

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