Saturday 25 June 2011

Movies Of This Generation

It pains me to write about how the generation i am born in has evolved into making cheesy and bad movies. In this post i will talk about how movies of the modern age lost the touch that movies used to have. If you go to the theater any day of the week and spot a movie which had a very funny trailer, and you decided to watch it. You will be surprised that the movie will not be any funny and will only contain funny scenes from the trailer. Movies of this generation just depend on huge explosions and effects to draw simple minded people into their money making schemes. Movies aren't about expression of ideas anymore, they became an easy way to scam money from people. All that i see when i go to the theater these days is, explosions, cheesy lines, focusing on a hot lady, and silly jokes throughout a serious movie. Lets take this weeks Green Lantern. I myself am a big comic fan and after watching it i was very disappointed, it was a disgrace to super heroes. Bad script, terrible punch lines, and mediocre acting. Yet you still see people coming out of the movie liking it, i respect everyone's own taste but what i don't respect is not giving a chance to other stuff. When i talk about how amazing black and white movies are at this age people immediately disagree, and start bashing on it even though they haven't even seen a single black and white movie to judge. i started to go off topic, i just really wanted to talk about this because it is something that boils inside of me when people bash on amazing movies without even giving them a chance. give everything a chance and then judge.

Thanks For Reading, Slayer.

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