Monday 11 July 2011

Forrest Gump

 There are a lot of reasons why this movie is incredible. But in my point of view i believe it is spectacular for one reason, which is that it depicts the many forms and stages of life. You see, life has many ups and downs, can surprise many people. This movie showed us how someone can loose everything in one moment and get everything else in another. How a person who is so different can fit in with everyone else. How not to judge what is normal and what is not, everyone can do what they put their mind to. It is also touching by how it changes a persons perspective on some events. Like how a military survey around a war zone can be turned into a nice walk around the country side. This movie is very touching and shows how life can be shown in many ways. Recommend this movie to everyone because i guarantee that you wont be disappointed.

Thank You For Reading, Slayer 

Tuesday 5 July 2011

What I Love Seeing In Movies

One of my absolute favorite elements in a movie i truly enjoy is, characters with mental illnesses. But not any actor acting out on a crappy movie that will make one sensitive person shed a tear after much struggle. No, i am referring to the actors themselves, the way they make you believe they are crazy, that they arent those big shot actors with millions of dollars in their pockets. A good example is one of my favorite movies of all time, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, i loved this movie so much i bought the book and read it and still felt the satisfaction. Jack Nicholson blew me away with his role, Dani DeVito was incredible, all of them preformed the best in their careers. Another example is the movie that i just saw, Twelve Monkeys, which for my surprise had Brad Pitt with a mental illness!! i was so surprised, i lit up and saw how amazing he performed, it is a satisfation that can never be filled with anything else.

Thank You For Reading, Slayer.

Twelve Monkeys

  I just finished watching twelve monkeys and have alot to say about it. First of all i believe this is one of the most underrated movies i have ever seen. I never heard about this movie in my life, nor have i known that brad pitt and bruce willis star in it. I was confused, i usually hear about these kinds of movies but it seems to be neglected by everyone. Before i watched i had zero expectations for this movie, and i finished with a huge smile on my face and a satisfaction that not all movies can acquire. The main reason being that it included an intriguing story which keeps you captivated and thinking throughout the whole movie waiting to see what will happen next. Another reason is the addition of amazing actors acting out roles of characters with mental illness's. i absolutely love it when this addition is in the movie which i will explain in my next post. Twelve Monkeys is an amazing movie, very underrated and deserves way more attention because i really believe it is special.

Thank You For Reading, Slayer.

Friday 1 July 2011

Battle Royale

After watching this movie for the fifth time i can concur that this is my favorite Japanese movie. It has everything i want to see in a movie, Japanese, amazing acting, phenomenal soundtrack, blood and gore. This movie happens to be Quentin Tarantino's favorite movie of all time. After hearing him say that i downloaded it immediately but held it back for a while, since everywhere had negative comments about it and how it is unethical and doesn't appeal to anyone. After a few weeks of holding back i finally began, and the first 20 minutes of the movie blew me away. I couldn't believe what i was seeing. After i was done i thought maybe i had a sick mind and enjoyed these stuff, so i asked my friends to watch it as well. Surprisingly  they enjoyed it as well and didn't find it unethical. I think the problem with a lot of people these days is their snobbery, people want to go into a theater and either watch an extremely funny movie, or a touching one. There has to be room for something that goes beyond human nature, not to toy with you or to disgust you, to show you how humans will react in a certain situation. Even kids will do anything to survive even kill their best friend. I think that this is what we should be watching more of the dark and ugly side of humans, but in a sensible manner with a nice story not a blood fest.

Thank You For Reading, Slayer.

Monday 27 June 2011

Rear Window

I just finished watching Rear window and have some slight comments, just comments no reviews. This Alfred Hitchcock movie is actually rated higher than psycho, though i respect everyone's taste. I still believe psycho is a better movie. The way Rear Window was shot is what gives it its edge, it lets the viewer feel as if it is the main character. This feeling comes and makes you feel as helpless as the man on the wheel chair. No one has ever done this, making the viewer feel so much like the main character in such a phenomenal way. Other than that it did not have the suspense that psycho offered. Alfred Hitchcock is still considered a genius when it comes to films and always will be. Just thinking of how he did these movies without modern technology baffles millions. I will continue on watching his movies and review them in the near future.

Thank You For Reading, Slayer.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Movies Of This Generation

It pains me to write about how the generation i am born in has evolved into making cheesy and bad movies. In this post i will talk about how movies of the modern age lost the touch that movies used to have. If you go to the theater any day of the week and spot a movie which had a very funny trailer, and you decided to watch it. You will be surprised that the movie will not be any funny and will only contain funny scenes from the trailer. Movies of this generation just depend on huge explosions and effects to draw simple minded people into their money making schemes. Movies aren't about expression of ideas anymore, they became an easy way to scam money from people. All that i see when i go to the theater these days is, explosions, cheesy lines, focusing on a hot lady, and silly jokes throughout a serious movie. Lets take this weeks Green Lantern. I myself am a big comic fan and after watching it i was very disappointed, it was a disgrace to super heroes. Bad script, terrible punch lines, and mediocre acting. Yet you still see people coming out of the movie liking it, i respect everyone's own taste but what i don't respect is not giving a chance to other stuff. When i talk about how amazing black and white movies are at this age people immediately disagree, and start bashing on it even though they haven't even seen a single black and white movie to judge. i started to go off topic, i just really wanted to talk about this because it is something that boils inside of me when people bash on amazing movies without even giving them a chance. give everything a chance and then judge.

Thanks For Reading, Slayer.

Top Movies From Favorite Directors

Here are some of my top movies from my all time favorite Directors, The movies will be listed based favorite. So it will be greatest to least

Christopher Nolan:
1- The Dark Knight
2- Memento
3- Inception
4- The Prestige

Quentin Tarantino:
1- Pulp Fiction
2- Inglorious Bastards
3- Reservoir Dogs
4- Kill Bill Vol 1

Stanley Kubrick:
1- Dr. Strangelove
2- A Clockwork Orange
3- Full Metal Jacket
4- A Space Odyssey

David Fincher:
1- Fight Club
2- Se7en
3- Benjamin Button
4- Zodiac

Martin Scorsese:
1- Goodfellas
2- Taxi Driver
3- The Departed
4- Shutter Island

Hayao Miyazaki:
1- Spirited Away
2- Princess Mononoke
3- Howls Moving Castle
4- Valley Of The Wind

Thank You For Reading, Slayer.

Full Metal Jacket Mini Review

Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket i believe is very misjudged. After people watch it they enjoy the first half and hate the second, this isn't the point which Kubrick wanted for the viewers to get. If he knew that the first part was this good he would've kept the entire movie based on it. He obviously split the movie for a reason. This reason even though oblivious must be figured out by each viewer and try to link it to the first part. Enough talking about the big movie split and on to my opinion. I've always been addicted to war movies, the feel of rushing towards a place not knowing who is waiting for you with a fully loaded gun. The movie defiantly has some weird mood swings and goes from completely hilarious to thrilling war action. I really enjoyed the movie and i hope to watch it again and find the missing gaps that i still did not figure out and recommend everyone to do so as well.

Thanks For Reading, Slayer.

Friday 24 June 2011

How To Enjoy A Movie More

i quickly wanted to share a method i use when watching movies, i hope it helps everyone who reads this.

Before watching the movie i put an idea in my mind, i keep on thinking that this movie wont be nice, or i will not enjoy it. By this i am not expecting a lot from the movie and i let it surprise me. If i expect a lot from the movie and get a little less from it i will still feel some disappointment. I started this before i watched Pans Labyrinth, i really thought that i would hate it, i didn't want to watch it, but since i had nothing else to watch i did. After i was done i was surprised that i really liked it. Now imagine if before the movie i thought that this was going to be the best fantasy i will ever see and it didn't reach to those expectations. I will like it more if i under appreciate it while i enjoy it, then highly expecting and being disappointed. I dont know if that made any sense, guess it does in my mind.

Anyway if anyone understood this weird post i hope you benefited from it, Thank you for reading, Slayer.

Watching A Movie More Than Once

I felt the urge to discuss this due to the speculation of people about this matter. Many people often find it silly that i watch a movie more than once. In my experiences, i can never judge a movie and review it until i watch it twice for many reasons. Some people say that you will know the events and that nothing will change if you watch it twice. But it is a very wrong way of thinking, knowing the events will make it easier for you to focus on other important issues in the movie. Another reason to watch it more than once is to make sure it is not a one hit wonder, where you get the satisfaction once and that's it. One example from my personal is The Social Network, i reviewed it after watching it for the first time. But after a week i watched it again and did not get the same satisfaction i got the first time i watched it, which is not what i am looking for in a movie. A total opposite of this situation is a movie called Pulp Fiction which is one of my favorite movies of all time. Despite how hard it is to admit i did not enjoy it the first time i watched it, i felt it was very dull. But after reading everywhere how incredible the movie is i decided to give it another chance thinking i missed something that these millions of people are seeing. After watching it for the second time i was mind blown, i ended up watching it 7 nights in a row and still had the same satisfaction that will always live on. All in all i urge people to give some nice movies another chance if they did not enjoy it the first time, they were probably missing something and did not get the feel.

Thank you for reading, Slayer. 

Late Night Tradition

I usually do this thing every night before i go to bed which always makes me feel good inside. I usually take a tour of my hard disk and start playing my favorite scenes from my favorite movies. It is a way of showing why you love this movie so much. Here are some scenes i always play over and over again, if anyone didnt see these movies i recommend them.

- Fight Club: Tyler and Lou fight
- Pulp Fiction: What ain't no language i ever heard of scene
- The Dark Knight: Joker and Mob confrontation
- The Usual Suspect: Ending Scene
- Dr Strangelove: Last Pentagon Scene

This tradition has been going on since i started my movie addiction. Thanks for taking the time in reading this.

Thursday 23 June 2011


If anyone wants a special review i will happily watch and review any movie just send me a tweet of which movie @xSlayer_

A Space Odyssey Review

Before I begin i would like to say that this review will not be as detailed as the other ones because i have to watch  a movie twice before writing a thorough review, anyway enjoy.

A Space Odyssey (1968) a movie produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick is one of the weirdest movies anyone will encounter. A short summary of it is that a weird artifact is located and no one knows its origin or purpose and humans send people on missions to investigate. What makes this movie special is that it doesnt even have a lot of words. i personally used to believe that the simplest form of an amazing movie is a man and his words. But i was wrong, Stanley Kubrick shows us that action does speak louder than words. He focused on expressing his thoughts through the actions of the actors and not a script that shows the viewer this is the story nothing else. He made millions of movies in one, each person will think of this movie in a different way based on his/her perception of the given action. This movie might not be easy for many people to watch because of its dense material. For all the people who love movies i recommend this movie. No one knows what Stanley Kubrick was thinking when he made the last 30 Minutes of the movie, insane, genius, or just simple. All that is decided by you.

Thank you for reading, Slayer.

Pulp Fiction Review

A mash of 3 movies in one, pulp fiction is a movie about 3 different stories totally unrelated to each other and how each will eventually meet through a series of events which lead to odd situations. A story of 2 mean working under a notorious gangster, a boxer who takes a big turn in his life, and a bonnie and clyde couple who have nothing to do but steal. All of these stories build up an amazing pulp of this one movie
The acting is brilliant, the first thing that hits you is the plentiful amount of amazing actors in this movie and how each of them fully lives and breaths their role. From the theif tim roth to the boxer bruce willis, all of them give memorable roles which are never forgotten. And how could my review be complete without mentioning the amazing acting by Samuel L Jackson who in my opinion did his best acting in his career, the amount of skill he had to play ten minute long scenes without making a mistake, pulling the audience with him with his witty phrases and amazing conversations, purely amazing.
Do i need to even type it down? its freaking Quentin Tarintino, the man who can take a normal concept and idea and make it into a filming masterpiece, a man who can make billions of people stare at a normal conversation for twenty minutes and make it special in his own unique style of filming like no other.
The script is the biggest thing that stands out in this movie because it is perfect in every word. The amazing conversations that occur between each character, and lets not forget the unforgettable scene with Samuel L Jackson and John Travolta in the beginning of the movie entering into that apartment and throwing out qoutes that are carved through the minds of every viewer who watches this movie.
- All in all its one of the best movies out there, and you should defiantly watch it as soon as you possibly can.

Fight Club Review

Fight Club revolves around a man who is feeling a big black hole in his life and is willing to change in anyway possible. This man takes a twist in his life when his whole life’s work on his apartment is taken away in a blink of an eye and is forced to live with an acquaintance who he doesn’t know anything about and starts releasing his stress in many different ways which lead to odd and difficult situations.
The acting in this movie is superb from both Brad Pitt and Edward Norton (which happen to be one of my favorite actors), in addition to the usual amazing acting from Helena Bonham Carter. One of the best features of this movie is the character of Brad Pitt which is such a memorable role that makes you want to be him and live his life even though it is miserable. Another amazing feature of the acting is how all of them made it so believable in the fighting scenes and how they made us feel like they were their characters not actors! They were living their role.
The movie has amazing cinematography as expecting from the great David Fincher who has countless amazing movies and is known for his great directing skills. His style of constructing movies is both unique and intriguing which gives him his own special taste in his movies which doesn’t involve snobbery but the total opposite of it, he challenges snobbery and rubs it in thei face with his amazing thrillers which can appeal to everyone.
The script is very well constructed for the theme of the movie and amazing dialogue occurs between the 2 main characters which are never forgotten. Also the narration addition to the movie makes it all the more special and interesting. Last but not least the amazing twist that just hits you in the face near the end of the movie which makes you think of how you were fooled all this time and how amazing the story is.
- To put it in a nutshell, Fight Club is such an amazing movie which has many elements i really enjoy and i know that everyone does too, a must watch which you will never forget.

The Social Network Review

 In short this movie is basically about how facebook was invented and the aftermath behind it. The movie follows a young nerdy boy who is on a quest to link his friends via the internet in which he succeeds in doing so, which eventually lead to other problems.
The first thing that you notice on the first five minutes of this movie is how amazing Jesse Eisenberg’s acting is. His words and tone of voice and how believable he makes the character is uncanny. Another great actor in the movie was Andrew Garfield who did an amazing job in playing the co-founder of facebook. The only negative side i see about the acting is the casting of Justin Timberlake, I speculate that his part in the movie was mere show due to basically being Justin Timberlake not because he was perfect for the role, well thats just in my opinion.
As expected from David Fincher, tackling any movie and making it into a masterpiece, this movie couldve only been a small documentary that would be passed around through some people, but no he came and he made it into this huge movie which shocked millions. His style of directing is amazing and how he approached it was perfect in the way he contrasted between the past and the future, showing us from the beginning of the problems and then getting us to know how all of it happened. 
 (This is coming from a person who doesnt like facebook and also doesnt have one) In my opinion i believe this movie is really special for many reasons. First due to its amazing acting from the main character and adding the likability factor to him. Second the mere thought of how one minute you can be best friends with someone and the next you are sitting in front of him while he is sueing you is mind blowing. The final reason for its originality is that i haven’t seen any movie that is based on a website become this big and turn out to be a great movie. I advise everyone to go see this movie if you haven’t and i hope you enjoy it.

Seven Samurai Review

 Many people have taken foreign films for granted. Most of the people nowadays are just limiting there selves to only watching English movies all the time. What most of them don’t know is that there is a wonderful movie experience beyond english movies and into the foreign film industry.
 Seven Samurai is a Japanese movie filmed in 1954 based on the samurai age. In brief, the movie talks about a poor village who are expecting bandits to steal their crops. This leads them to come to a decision of hiring samurai’s to protect their village from incoming bandits.
Acting & Characters: 
 I have recently watched many Japanese movies and i haven’t been disappointed in any of the acting that occurs in the movie. They truly possess a gift of making the audience feel like the character is so believable. Whereas if you take the characters into account they are better than expected. The characters make the audience feel for them, make them cry when they are injured and happy when they succeed. This factor is one of the main points that I see is lacking in movies nowadays.
Directing & Cinematography:
 Seven Samurai is directed by the brilliant Akira Kurosawa, who put blood sweat and tears into this masterpiece. You know when someone has skill when he can create a movie with no color, no special affects, based on a simple story and still make it into film history as one of the greatest. His style of cinematography is very unique in which he captures a lot of the environment around the actors to let the audience feel as if they were there.
Music & Sound:
 The soundtrack in this movie was so perfect that you can literally expect what to hear. Akira did brilliantly in utilizing what he had at that time and using them at the perfect time in the movie. Whether it was a sad or mournful scene, or a joyful one, Akira presented astounding audio which captivates the feel of the part.
 The theme of the movie is basically the feel of old life in japan and how stressful it was. It showed us how each group acted out in the economy and how each of them worked with one another. The movie was also themed to show us the beauty of places which can contain the poorest of people. 
 This has been one of the many Japanese movies I’ve seen and i must say it is the best. I loved how amazing the director is in telling a simple yet amazing story that keeps you glued to the screen. Another element i enjoyed is how you see a progress in the movie and how characters feelings change. The only negative side i see about this movie is that a lot of people would reject it due to being either foreign and black and white. But in my opinion i believe that people should give a chance to these movies, they wont regret it i can promise that. In the end i would just like to point out that in my eyes this is a Japanese version of the great movie “The Good, The bad, And the Ugly”. As i watched this movie, it struck me in an instant and i knew that they were both similar and amazing. In conclusion, i would seriously recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen a Japanese movie to make this movie his first.